Megan Panus - Groomer/Owner
For over 5 years, I have been involved in many aspects of the pet industry including retail, pet bathing, and eventually pet grooming. In this time, I have had a lot of experience in both private and corporate salons. Before Bark Avenue, I was the Grooming Salon manager for a major pet store in the Buffalo area. After a year there I realized the restrictions placed on me and the philosophy of big box stores was something I wanted to get away from. Bark Avenue is the perfect opportunity for me to really provide Buffalonians and their best friends with the most personalized grooming care possible! I share my home with a 2 rescue dogs: a lab/boxer mix (Fiona) and a German Shepherd (Lobo), 3 hermit crabs, and 2 beta fish!
Sandy Newman - Manager/Owner
After 20 years in the corporate world, Sandy decided to pursue her passion for dogs and grooming. She worked as a manager of a local salon and attended several grooming classes, gaining experience throughout the way. Today she works at Bark Avenue as both a manager and groomers assistant. Her vision was to bring a more relaxed and quiet environment to the pet grooming industry where each pet is cared for individually and with minimal stress. At Bark Avenue we try to achieve a zen like atmosphere so each and every pet can be spoiled and pampered from head to tail! She shares her home with a Shih Tzu (Tasha) and Maltipoo (Corky)
and 2 cats.